Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Puzzle: Fixing Timing Violation

Timing Violation can manifest due to a plethora of reasons. And it is important for an STA Engineer to understand the violating path and model the constraints properly before providing them to the Synthesis/PnR tools for optimization. Unnecessary optimization should be avoided because:
  • To save on the die area;
  • To save on the leakage power;
  • To prevent unnecessary congestion.
The figure below shows a scenario. Assume the clock period to be 8ns and the setup time of the capture flop (here, FF3) be 0ns and the clock-to-Q delay of the launch flops (here, FF1 & FF2) be 0ns. The violating path is shown in the figure. The negative slack is 1ns. 

How would you fix the above violation? Please note that there are many possible solutions; but one only solution adheres to the above discussed constraints of leakage power, area and congestion.