Wednesday, September 11, 2013

DFT Q&A - Part 28

Ques:- Suggest the design techniques for improving the testability?
Prevention is better than Cure...

The above saying tells everything related to this information.

The scan design or design-for-testability (DFT) has been a standard in ASIC design  flow for most designers, Obtaining high fault coverage for a design depends on the quality of the implemented DFT logic, and most \real-world" designs suffer from a variety of DFT related issues, which if left unsolved, result in reduced fault coverage. Designs with gated clocks and resets may not be good for testing, but the design style is used frequently. Since the clock pins of scan cells with gated clocks are not controlled by the primary input clock ports, a scan test is impossible without repair. The situation is the same for gated resets. Repair has been performed by inserting an additional primary input port `test-mode' and test logic in order to feed the top level clock (or reset) signal to the scan cells. This modication results in untestable faults due to the DFT constraints on the `test-mode' port, which lowers fault coverage.

There are some common reasons due to which we generally observe DRC violations. Here I am discussing those common areas and possible fixes if they are un-avoidable reasons.

In order to ensure a successful scan-based design (i.e., achieve high fault coverage), one must design with testability in mind throughout the design process. If the designer is aware of design structures that can derail testing efforts, he or she can adopt alternative design techniques whenever possible.

One of the bigest hurdle in system on chip (SOC) with respect to ATPG is controlling the internal tristate bus structures.
Bus contention occurs when two drivers are driving different values on the same bus. Since bus contention causes severe damage to the chip, it is important to prevent bus conflicts during normal operation as well as during scan. So, one should handle internal tristates  with care and avoid bus contention by design.

In most designs, a bus has more than one driver. To avoid bus contention in normal operation, designers must make sure only one tristate gate at a time is selected. To satisfy testability rules, designers must set the signals for the bus drivers so that contention is eliminated in the test phase.

I can't say do not design internal tristate bus structures bus structures. But, I can suggest, if possible, never implement designs with internal tristate bus structures. If you can’t follow this rule, then implement the fewest possible internal tristate-bus structures and guarantee by design that no bus contention can occur on any internal bus during scan

Be careful of two important while handling contention issues.

1.Ensure that there is no contention on the tristate buses during scan-shift operations.
2. ensure that there is no possible contention on the internal tristate buses during the capture cycles during scan testing.

Most of the DFT tools are intelligent enough to take care of internal tri state buses during test logic insertion and will made proper fixes. And, some fixes has to be made manually. Even most of the ATPG tools will warn about the bus-contentions. Ultimately, test engineer has to take decision whether to generate the vectors that cause contention or to avoid it.

It is suggestable to avoid it or fully-decode the busses else, it may effect the chip productivity. 

2. Avoid Gated Clocks

Gated clocks are generally used as one of the power saving techniques. These clocks fan-in through at least one combinational gate apart of buffers and inverters. Enable signal of the gated clocks makes the followed sequential elemets in ON/OFF states. Unfortunately, if the clocks of these flip-flops cannot be controlled from primary inputs, these gated clocks make it impossible to scan in data. Removing these flip-flops from the scan chain is one solution, but this results in a loss of fault coverage.

One can employ one of the following solutions as per the design and/or requirements.

Solution-1 is just excluding DFF from the scan chain. This solution costs test coverage loss.

In Solution-2 the “Scan Mode” input controls a multiplexer that changes/bypass the clock source for DFF. In this case, output of AND gate is un-observable and all faults into the AND gate are ATPG un-testable. To overcome this situation, one can add test-point at the output of AND gate as shown below. By adding this logic to the solution-2 provide better ATPG test coverage.

3. Bypass Pulse generators and internally generated clocks

Here comes the internally generated clocks/pulse generators (PLLs, frequency dividers, pulse generators). Before going into the topic, I strongly suggest that DFT Engineer should always question him/her self that whether he/she can control a particular internal logic element via. primary inputs or not.  It not add test logic to control that element through primary inputs. Here the thumb rule is that the primary inputs (scan clocks, reset etc.) should be controllable from any primary input. Derived clocks can render a large part of the design untestable because the flip-flops are not controllable from any primary input.

So, do not use clock dividers in ATPG test mode. If your design contains clock dividers, bypass them in ATPG test mode. Use the Scan Mode signal to control the source of the internal clocks, so that in ATPG test mode you can bypass the clock divider and source the internal clocks from the primary CLK output.

On the bottom line, do not use phase-locked loops (PLLs) as clock sources and bypass the clocks while in ATPG test mode.For pulse generators in the design, one can disable the pulse generators by adding disabling logic or can bypass the pulse generator output with access from a top-level input port as mentioned below.

4. Asynchronous Set/Reset Signals

It is strongly recommended to avoid asynchronous resets in the design. If it is unavoidable one can go ahead with it bearing some test coverage loss. There are different ways to handle asynchronous resets during test logic insertion to get a better test coverage.

There are different situations generally one would face with reset signals.

1.Reset used as data:

In general, reset signal goes to the reset pin of the sequential elements. We discuss in the next point what if the reset is asynchronous reset. In some designs, reset is used as data. i.e. Reset pin goes to the data input of the sequential elements. In such situations, there are two different ways to handle this.


Place a MUX logic at the Reset net, which is synchronously driven to the sequential cell. One input of the MUX would be an actual reset signal; the other input is constant 1|0, which is the inactive state of the Reset. The select line is the ScanMode signal.  But the problem with this case is the Reset logic is still not observed, which reduces the coverage. This method provides direct control over the asynchronous reset for scan testing. This method will make the reset controllable and will detect faults on the asynchronous reset of all registers. The disadvantage of the method is that it blocks the functional reset and therefore faults in the reset logic circuitry might be untestable because of the ScanMode constraint. Also, an extra port has to be identify for the external reset pin.

This is very tricky job. It is just to play with the reset signal making it either active high or active low based on the type of flops (active high or active low reset).

Assume, flops have active high reset.

During Shift Mode:
Control the reset signal fed to the flop such that it is   active low and keep the scan flop in the active state. And the operation follows the regular scan operation where the data is first shifted into the scan flip-flops holding at active low.
During Hold & Capture Mode:
In this case the vectors are generated without applying any clocks during the capture operation, and the logic feeding into the SET/RESET inputs (the Asynchronous path) of the scan flip-flops is tested. The operation follows the regular scan operation where the data is first shifted into the scan flip-flops holding at active state. Then during hold and capture, de-activate those scan flops by proper controlling of the reset signal fed into it. so that the signals are allowed to propagate through the reset logic and modify the values in the scan flip-flops. Finally the results are shifted out for comparison on the tester. This second option will improve the test coverage either.

Below figure shows you how to control the asynchronous reset signal fed into the flops.
Place an OR gate with one input as Scan Enable signal and the other input of OR gate is the async. reset signal fanout from the reset logic. One can use a dedicated signal in place of the Scan Enable signal.

This method provides control to disable asynchronous resets during scan shift only. The method makes the reset controllable and will detect faults on the asynchronous reset of all registers as well as test the reset logic circuitry.  The only disadvantage of this method is that the asynchronous resets will always be controlled by the internal logic and can't be disabled during scan capture. This could cause unwanted resets while attempting to test for other faults. As explained above, one can avoid these unwanted resets by using a dedicated external signal to control the disabling of the asynchronous resets during shift instead of using the main ScanEnable signal.
Note: To follow the 2nd option, one should be familiar with the corresponding tool command flow on which ATPG vectors are generating. All most all the ATPG tools will have a proper command flow to handle the asynchronous resets.

5. Avoid Cross coupled Gates
In some designs, one can observe SR latches. Though they are in expensive way of implementing latches, they create testability problems when both the inputs of cross coupled NAND gates are ant logic 1.

Add logic to make each cross-coupled NAND/NOR gate behave like a buffer
during testing as shown below. When the ScanMode signal is set to ‘1’ during test, the circuit converts the cross-coupled gates into two inverters

If possible, it is better to implement the latches using D-latches instead of cross-coupled SR latches. On the bottom line, as latches reduce the test coverage, avoid inferring latches in the design if possible.

6. Fix Bi-Directional ports

One should fix the bi-directional ports of the design. Ensure that the direction of Bi-directional ports are fixed to either input or output by controlling the enable signal of the bi-directional port.  If the enable signal is generated internally, proper DFT logic has to be employed. Or else, if the controlling signal is a primary port, provide proper logic value on the bi-di controlling port during the test to make the bi-di ports unidirectional.

If the primary DFT pads (scan enable, scan-ins, scan-outs, scan-clks etc.) are bi-directional, fix them and make the respective pads, uni-directional accordingly with the ScanMode signal.  For the pads, other than DFT ports, fix them using ScanEnable signal. This will improve the test coverage. 

Note:  If Scan Mode it self is bi-directional, be sure that the bi-di control pin is accessable to the ATE. So that, one can make the ScanMode signal to input by providing the proper value to the control pin during test.

If it is scan clock, scanenable, scanmode, scan-in ports fix their direction to input. If scan-out ports are bi-directional, fix their direction to output.

Following figure shows the fix for scan-clock which is bi-directional with internally generated control logic.

7. Avoid contention due to non tri-state inputs (Wired Logic)

Wired-AND Wired-OR logics leads to contention issues and should be avoided during the test. Most of the DFT tools have the ability to perform contention ability checks on buses and wired logic.

When a net has more than one driving object, wired-AND or wired-OR logic is introduced. A circuit re-modeling will subsequently be performed where wired-ANDs are replaced by AND gates and wire-ORs are replaced by OR gates.

8. Remove Redundant Logic and Test Point Addition

Remove Redundant Logic
This sounds un-reasonable. But still, if the design is not properly optimized and left with some redundant logic, be sure to optimize the logic properly. Most of the DFT tools will take care of optimizing the design.

Test Point Addition:
After test patterns and test coverage is generated by the ATPG tool, be sure to verify the pin-point locations where controllability and/or observability are insufficient. Insert test points at these locations when I/O pad limit is allowed and again rerun the ATPG for better coverage

9. Provide proper time margin for DFT inserted design

To improve a circuit’s fault coverage, one may have to add a DFT circuitry in the silicon.
If the designer does not leave room for DFT insertion, the newly created design may violate timing constraints. Thus, during the early design stage, it is important to leave, say
15%-20% timing margin for future DFT insertion. It is strongly recommended to re-simulate the DFT inserted design before submitting it to ATPG and layout

10. Floating Nets

Avoid floating nets in the design. This may cause unwanted leakage currents that leads to power failures. So, it is strongly recommended to verify for floating nets in the design before and after the DFT insertion.

11. Avoid Latches

Latches cannot be scanned unless they are converted to scan latches. Such a conversion creates an extremely large area overhead. If the latches are part of an embedded memory, it is possible to model all the latches together as a memory. Using a memory model can reduce the difficulty of generating patterns for faults near the latches; however, special
tests are required for the latches.

When latches are not part of the memory, a more general solution is to make the latches transparent during test mode. This takes care of the problem of propagating fault effects through the latches, but the faults on the enable logic of latches become completely untestable, reducing fault coverage. The best solution is to avoid using latches in designs as much as possible.

12. Try avoiding combinational feedback loops

What is a combinational loop?
It is a simple form of D-Latch.

Designs that contain combinationalfeedback loops have inherent testability problems. Combinationfeedback loops may introduce internal logic states to a design that scan-storage elements cannot control.

ATPG tools have a few methods for breaking combinational feedback loops. Some of these methods are less harmful to fault coverage than others, but all of them result in some loss of coverage. Therefore, you should avoid combinational feedback loops whenever possible. Most ATPG tools inform users of all the combinational-feedback loops present in a design. If you cannot avoid these feedback loops, then you should break the feedback loop by inserting an additional flip-flop that is present in the feedback path only during scan-test mode. This modification results in the highest fault coverage. If you cannot insert a flip-flop, then insert a multiplexer in the feedback path that drives a constant value during scan-test mode. This approach results in lower coverage than the flip-flop option but higher coverage than if you allow the tool to break the loop by assuming an unknown value as a result of the

Combinational feedback loops introduce sequential behavior into otherwise combinational logic, making it difficult to use combinational ATPG tools. In addition, such loops may lead to races and hazards, resulting in unpredictable circuit behavior. These loops are generally delay-dependent and therefore can't be tested with any ATPG algorithm.

Typically, designers will omit combinational feedback loops from their designs. However, the loops can be created unknowingly when two portions of a design done by different designers are tied together.

If creating combinational feedback loops are unavoidable, designers should add test logic to the design. This fix allows combinational feedback loops to be broken during testing by using a scan flip-flop.  One should break this loop during scan mode for the ATPG tool to predict the operation of the circuit.