Wednesday, September 11, 2013

DFT Q&A - Part 17

Ques:  Given two ASICs. one has setup violation and the other has hold violation. how can they be made to work together without modifying the design?

Ans: Slow the clock down on the one with setup violations..
And add redundant logic in the path where you have hold violations.

Ques: Suggest some ways to increase clock frequency?

Ans:  Check critical path and optimize it.
· Add more timing constraints (over constrain).
· pipeline the architecture to the max possible extent keeping in mind latency req's.
Ques: What are different types of timing verifications?

Ans: Dynamic timing:
a. The design is simulated in full timing mode.
b. Not all possibilities tested as it is dependent on the input test vectors.
c. Simulations in full timing mode are slow and require a lot of memory.
d. Best method to check asynchronous interfaces or interfaces between different timing domains.
Static timing:
a. The delays over all paths are added up.
b. All possibilities, including false paths, verified without the need for test vectors.
c. Much faster than simulations, hours as opposed to days.
d. Not good with asynchronous interfaces or interfaces between different timing domains.
Ques : Can you explain what stuck at zero means?
Ans : These stuck-at problems will appear in ASIC. Some times, the nodes will permanently tie to 1 or 0 because of some fault. To avoid that, we need to provide testability in RTL. If it is permanently 1 it is called stuck-at-1 If it is permanently 0 it is called stuck-at-0.

Ques : What is "Scan" ?
Ans : Scan Insertion and ATPG helps test ASICs (e.g. chips) during manufacture. If you know what JTAG boundary scan is, then Scan is the same idea except that it is done inside the chip instead of on the entire board. Scan tests for defects in the chip's circuitry after it is manufactured (e.g. Scan does not help you test whether your Design functions as intended). ASIC designers usually implement the scan themselves and occurs just after synthesis. ATPG (Automated Test Pattern Generation) refers to the creation of "Test Vectors" that the Scan circuitry enables to be introduced into the chip. Here's a brief summary:
         Scan Insertion is done by a tool and results in all (or most) of your design's flip-flops to be replaced by special "Scan Flip-flops". Scan flops have additional inputs/outputs that allow them to be configured into a "chain" (e.g. a big shift register) when the chip is put into a test mode.
         The Scan flip-flops are connected up into a chain (perhaps multiple chains)
         The ATPG tool, which knows about the scan chain you've created, generates a series of test vectors.
         The ATPG test vectors include both "Stimulus" and "Expected" bit patterns. These bit vectors are shifted into the chip on the scan chains, and the chips reaction to the stimulus is shifted back out again.
         The ATE (Automated Test Equipment) at the chip factory can put the chip into the scan test mode, and apply the test vectors. If any vectors do not match, then the chip is defective and it is thrown away.
         Scan/ATPG tools will strive to maximize the "coverage" of the ATPG vectors. In other words, given some measure of the total number of nodes in the chip that could be faulty (shorted, grounded, "stuck at 1", "stuck at 0"), what percentage of them can be detected with the ATPG vectors? Scan is a good technology and can achive high coverage in the 90% range.
         Scan testing does not solve all test problems. Scan testing typically does not test memories (no flip-flops!), needs a gate-level netlist to work with, and can take a long time to run on the ATE.

         FPGA designers may be unfamiliar with scan since FPGA testing has already been done by the FPGA manufacturer. ASIC designers do not have this luxury and must handle all the manufacturing test details themselves.